Discover a science-based training method so powerful...
you'll experience your biggest gains EVER over the next few weeks...
I've been in the gym, perfecting this amazing training breakthrough I had "accidentally" stumbled across. And it's gonna blow your mind, just like it did mine.
This piece of scientific software is truly the "Missing Link" you need to bridge the gap between "guessing"... and doing what actually works.
What makes this breakthrough so exciting is that it helps you get the maximum amount of muscle and strength gains that you're capable of.
It does it by telling YOU EXACTLY how much weight and how many reps you should be performing for the maximum gains possible.
So by using this new science-based approach... you can take your current program and modify it so you reach your full potential for gaining muscle and strength as fast as possible!
Believe me... I can speak from personal experience... that the way you're probably training right now...
So I'm going to show you a better, more effective and efficient training system that can double your muscle and strength gains in the next few weeks!
In fact, you'll see faster and better results in less than 3 hours a week than everyone else who is slaving away twice a day, 6 days a week!
Sounds impossible, doesn't it?
Well, I completely understand if you're skeptical.
Honestly, I don't blame you because I would be too.
That's why you need specific, detailed proof that my software program can deliver on my promises.
So I'm going to share with you some of the feedback I've received over the years... from people who are using this to change their body AND their lives.
I'm talking about ordinary people, like you and me, achieving extraordinary results.
If they can achieve amazing results like these ... you can too!
This new software is going to help you focus your valuable time on what works to pack on muscle... while steering you away from what fails to work.
That way, you don't waste hours of your energy in the gym for very little results.
Maybe you want more muscle or want to switch up your current program because it's not as productive as you want it to be.
Maybe you want to increase your strength for sports.
Even if you just want to get more looks while on the beach... you can use this scientific approach to completely transform your body into a muscular physique that makes you feel better about yourself!
Take a few minutes and picture it...
After a few weeks of using this software... you have more solid muscle than you've ever had before.
You can hit the beach with a body you're more proud of and more confident with! Walking the sand with your shirt off, having members of the opposite sex admire your muscular build.
Feeling better and looking better so you feel more attractive and more outgoing.
And what if you had more jaw-dropping power than you've ever had, skyrocketing past your jealous friends and gym buddies in strength.
Imagine the respect and admiration they'd give you as you start blowing away their best lifts!
They'll be jealous of you, dying to know how you did it!
Heck, they might even think you're using the juice.
But you're not.
This new software is the most powerful tool you can use to dramatically improve your training... and as a result... gain more muscle and strength in less time.
For the first time ever... you'll have a complete understanding WHY you need to be using a specific rep range... and a specific amount of weight when you train.
Because chances are... up to this point you've been "winging it" like I used to.
Going to the gym... grabbing a pair of dumbbells and doing a set. Or laying down on the bench and busting out a quick set of 10 reps.... feeling like you're working hard.
But the truth is... without a scientific approach to working out... you're actually...
Look, I'm sure you already know that muscle growth is stimulated by overload from weight training.
But training with the wrong amount of weight... or with the wrong amount of reps and sets will reduce the stimulus for your muscles to grow.
That's why it's important that this software shows you the proven rep and set range that stimulates continuous strength and muscle gains.
Honestly, the main reason why most lifters end up keeping the same old body, year after year is because they stay stuck in a rut with the same ineffective program that just doesn't work.
That's because any program that focuses on the old "3 sets of 10" routine is horribly outdated.
Sure... almost ALL lifters will see some results when they first begin training. But they quickly get stuck at a plateau that causes all progress to stop.
That's why most guys you see in the gym, despite year after year of hard training, never get much bigger).
It's because they have no idea what actually works to build muscle.
They continue using the "unstructured" training most guys use... but never get beyond that without serious scientific help.
Well, not any more.
I've learned what causes plateaus... and gains in muscle and strength to slow down.
But more importantly... I've learned how to completely eliminate plateaus from happening... ever again.
With my research and study of all the scientific and medical journals, I've learned that plateaus normally occur because your body has fully adapted to your current approach to training.
You absolutely MUST keep giving your muscles new challenges.
If you don't, then you'll hit the unnecessary plateau! And that means less time gaining.
Don't let this happen to you.
Simply put, in order to gain maximum strength and muscle size... you have to know which exercises to do and also the rep range you must do. You also need to know when to add or lower the weight, when to change your program, etc.
Well, I've already done that for you, with this scientific discovery. This is what my training software system will do for you.
Now you have a scientific way to make sure you're able to lift more weight and get stronger. And as a result, pack on more muscle mass.
It takes ALL the guesswork out of gaining muscle and strength.
It really is THAT easy. I never thought it would be, but I just have to say... it's totally changed my lifting, my results, and my life forever.
So avoid the mistakes and confusion by using the same software program I created and perfected after years of trial and error... a powerful formula for building muscle.
If you want rock-hard, tightly-defined muscles and jaw-dropping strength that can make your friends jealous... I can make it happen faster and easier than you ever imagined possible.
But not necessarily without a little bit of hard work.
Instead... the approach I'll reveal to you will be more effective and efficient use of your time and effort.
I can honestly promise you a dramatic increase in your muscle and strength gains within the first 60 days of using my system.
And I also I promise you this...
If you'll only invest the same amount of time you currently spend each week training the ineffective old way - and spend those same few hours a week following the software, the results will blow your mind.
Your gains are all automatic. It's a result of doing the right things... in the right way. It's all based on SCIENCE.
There's nothing left to chance... no room for error here. Only the steps you need that have been proven to work.
The difference is, you'll now be using the most effective exercises, rep ranges and bodybuilding workout techniques.
And the result will blow you away.
Introducing the Always Gaining software program!
This is the FIRST piece of software that shows you EXACTLY what do do for the maximum gains in the shortest time.
With Always Gaining... you follow the exact weightlifting workouts the software tells you to do... and you only change it when it tells you to!
As a result, this scientific approach will help you make gains... faster than you ever thought possible.
You get the most out of a certain workout program... and then move on before you hit a plateau!
That's exactly why the Always Gaining Software helps you continuously make strength and muscle gains, each and every weight training workout.
The software will identify where YOU posses the greatest opportunity of increasing your strength... and building new muscle.
When you focus on the right techniques in your training, you'll need less total number of sets and you'll spend less time training. And you'll notice a surge in your muscle size and strength as a result of doing this focused work.
It's as simple as that.
"Always Gaining" is the fastest, safest, and easiest way to get the maximum amount of muscle growth you're physiologically capable of.
And the best part is, you don't even have to know or understand all the technical scientific reasons behind all this growth!
The software explains everything, in step-by-step detail.
The software will tell you any changes you need to make each and every workout.
When you make the suggested changes in your training... gains will come more rapidly.
Because of our innovative Always Gaining software system, you'll never have to worry about plateaus again!
It's because it uses our proprietary computerized personal trainer system. This helps you stay in the best rep and weight range possible.
So you know what to lift, how much, and for how long.
And because of this scientific approach, your gains are proven to come. It's as easy as following the software's advice, and doing what it says!
Like I mentioned earlier... muscle size and strength are directly related. If you want to gain more muscle size, you must CONSTANTLY work on gaining strength.
So this innovative technique will help you add weight regularly to your lifts.
That in turn means huge increases in muscle.
This truly is "The State-Of-The-Art" weight training. And it's the same technique that's used by most of the Worlds top weightlifters and powerlifters.
As you can see the Always Gaining System is light-years ahead of anything in weight training and muscle building today.
After all, it took me years to do all the research and developing of the software.
Now you can use it to shave years off your own trial and error in the gym.
Again, because the software tells PRECISELY what to do in the gym... it completely ELIMINATES the conflicting advice that you read in the magazines.
This means fewer injuries... less time feeling tired... and more time gaining muscle and strength.
It creates training plans optimized for you. Everyone isn't same and doesn't react to the same training plans identically.
The software studies feedback from you. Every time you finish your training, you feed the software with the corresponding data.
Your next training workout plan is adapted and problems are avoided before they can happen at all.
At the next training session... you don't have to "guess" which weight or how many reps you have to work with. This is why you need less sets and less time in the gym.
There's nothing like this anywhere.
The other software packages only act as a log of your sets and reps.
The ALWAYS GAINING System is NOT a computer training log that keeps a record of your sets and reps. Ours actually tells you exactly what to do each and every workout.
No other software has the unique innovative technology we have. And it comes with a complete guides that explains everything in simple detail.
It's like having your own "Personal Trainer" on your Computer.
In fact, anyone who switches over to this new training system will have a...
I've learned that training intelligently is still the only way to attain the sort of permanent, natural long-term muscle growth you want.
I'm totally serious... my "accidental" discovery will change the way you train to get muscle and strength gains as fast as possible.
Your main goal as a weight lifter, I'm assuming, is to gain muscle and strength.
Sure, some of the benefits of those things are getting more respect, more attention... more looks on the beach.
Maybe you want to feel better and look better... be more attractive and have more confidence.
Either way... it's usually from making gains in muscle size and strength.
With this new breakthrough training, you're going to get both... where most guys in traditional training routines rarely see dramatic gains in size or strength, no matter how hard they work.
And you'll be finished for the day while other guys are just getting warmed up!
And you'll never over-train because you're working out in such amazingly short (but intense) "windows" that guarantee you enjoy fast gains, without risk of injury!
You'll get more results in less time... and better yet... you'll blow past your friends in size and strength so fast they'll accuse you of taking steroids!
Every second you spend training will now be focused entirely on one goal: To make you as strong and as muscular as possible... in the shortest time!
Sound good? It is. Yet, you do not need to understand the science behind any of it. You simply need to follow the step-by-step instructions I've laid out for you.
And enjoy results you never dreamed possible before.
You'll laugh when you hear other guys at the gym talk about not making any gains.
You'll blow past any plateau and you will truly love what you see in the mirror just a few short weeks down the road.
Why? Because your muscle and strength gains are gonna come faster... and they're gonna come MORE often than if you had done your normal "flawed" lifting approach that everyone else uses!
Please... forget the old 3 sets of 10 myth!
What I've tried to do with my software is squash the nonsense that passes for lifting wisdom out there (in the gym and in the magazines)
I've replaced it with a scientific, results-oriented approach that is based on what works.
You want a powerful, head-turning physique that will make people look when you enter a room?
Then stop listening to the wrong advice you're getting in the gym or from the big name magazines.
Start paying close attention to the actual science behind muscle growth and strength gains. You can't lose when you do that.
You can't get this information from any of the magazines - it's just too advanced.
The advice you read in magazines is not based on science... it's based on what will sell for the supplement companies that promote those magazines.
You can't get it from other lifters, either, because most don't know about this advanced training technology.
It's the only product of it's kind.
Listen. I'm real proud of this software.
It's changed my life... by changing the way I train forever. And it's allowed me to get more results in half the time I used to spend in the gym.
Not only that, it's changed the lives of others, too. One of my clients that just had chest surgery used it to double his bench in a month!
Look, if you're frustrated with spinning your wheels in the gym, not satisfied with the gains you're currently making... this will change ALL of that.
You'll finally have that physique that demands respect and attention everywhere you go. You'll look better, feel better about yourself, and get noticed more!
And that's just a sample of the proven and tested muscle-building strategies you'll learn with this software.
Believe me, this is not an ebook or workout routine. In fact, it's unlike anything you've ever seen before.
For the first time ever, you'll have a proven, step-by-step system that shows you...
Over the last year, while testing this software, I've flat-out proven it works and that it will work for anyone who seriously uses it.
I've tested and proven it by my own trial and error.
Not only that, since I've been offering this powerful training software online, well over 21,660 people in 48 countries have used it with absolutely astonishing results!
So it's been proven to work, time and time again.
Again, these are from ordinary people, just like you and me.
You can get the same results, or even better, by following the software.
Imagine... having the muscle and strength you've always wanted... a sculpted chest and powerful pair of arms... more confidence and pride... feeling better about yourself and getting more attention.
That's ALL within reach for you.
Think of it - no more struggling to gain another pound of muscle... no more endless months without results... no more guessing at ALL!
Just imagine what a month... or six months, or a whole year... of sustained, dramatic muscle growth will do for you?
As long as you have access to free weights or machines, the "Always Gaining" software will help you gain more muscle and strength in a lot less time.
You can work out at a gym ... or at home with dumbbells, barbells, a bench and a rack for squats. Heck, you can work out in your garage -- it doesn't matter.
And it doesn't matter if you're just starting out or if you're an experienced lifter that's hit a plateau.
None of that matters.
The ONLY thing that matters... is that you actually follow a proven method that works. Save the time, effort, and frustration. Don't follow one of those worthless "steroid" routines from the magazines.
Always Gaining is steeped in scientific methods... and this stuff has been proven to work for years.
You'll no longer dread going to the gym. You'll enjoy your work outs because you'll be seeing results in the mirror, right before your eyes.
Well, let me ask: What price can you put on cutting out hours of needless sets and reps by focusing on what gets you the best results in the least amount of time?
What's your time worth?Because we're testing the market with this software, we're still not sure what we should charge for it. We're thinking it will be $69.95 in a few weeks and will go higher from there.
But for the first few weeks, we're doing this special marketing test price.
So I'm not going to charge you the $69.95 this software would normally cost.
a short time only, I'm offering a very LIMITED DISCOUNT. If
you order today, your investment in this muscle-building software
program is now only $39.95 $27.00
The reason I've created this software and priced it so low is simple.
I know there are a lot of people out there who are NOT getting the results they want from the time they spend in the gym. If you're one of them... YOU are why I'm making this available.
I know I can help so many people get more results from the time they spend in the gym.
Always Gaining is like having an expert instructor, right at your side, showing you exactly what you need to do to gain muscle and strength in the fastest and most efficient manner possible.
But it costs a much, much less than what you'd normally pay a good personal trainer.
Believe me, I can honestly say this software will give you more gains and will produce more results than any of the supplements you'll spend your hard-earned money on.
Look at it this way: A jug of protein or container of creatine lasts you a couple weeks. This valuable training software will be with you for as long as you want!
Since I know the hardest part of doing ANYTHING new is starting... I'm going to offer up even more reasons for you to get this software today.
As you can also see, there's a lot to this system. For that reason we have a newsletter which is available to every person who invests in the unlimited software.
In the newsletter, we cover more detailed information about how to get the best out of the software, news of software upgrades, special offers, supplements, discounts, case studies, muscle building news, advice, problem solving and much more.
But that's not all, here are 3 other additional bonuses you'll get for acting right now...
Free Bonus #1: Massive Arms Growth Weightlifting Techniques ($29.95 value)
Free Bonus #2: How To Get The Ultimate Six Pack ($29.95 value)
Free Bonus #3: Maximum Bodybuilding Nutrition For Muscle Gain and Fat Loss ($29.95 value)
If you're still a little unsure about making the very best investment you can in a stronger... more muscular you... I completely understand.
You may not know me and you may have some doubts whether this software can do what I say.
So please, let me take all the risk. Test this information at my expense!
Order the software, use it, train with it, and treat it as your own. Go through your own 2-month "trial run".
And if you aren't completely blown away with the results you get... simply contact me and you'll receive a prompt refund of all your money. No questions asked, and no hassles.
It's true. You can have your own copy of Always Gaining all to yourself for 8 weeks.
And if by that time you aren't consistently and easily gaining more muscle and strength.... all with less time spent in the gym.... then I'll refund every cent of your purchase price!
We'll still be friends, and no hard feelings.
But I seriously doubt you'll wanting a refund. That's because I'm confident you'll be thrilled with your results from using it.
So I guess what I'm saying is, don't decide now if this software is for you.
Just get it and try it out.
If it doesn't do everything I say and more... if you don't gain more muscle and strength...
If it isn't life-changing and you're not thrilled with it, just email me and I'll refund 100% of your purchase price. Quickly and easily.
So you really have nothing to lose by trying it.
So please, don't procrastinate and "think about it". If you're tired of not having the muscle or strength you want... you can change that right now.
Here's what to do now:
Click the link below and order with your credit card or paypal online and you'll be using the software in just a few minutes!
P.S. You may be wondering why I'm revealing this powerful software to others? Why not keep it all to myself?
Well, the answer is simple. Once I made this discovery... I knew it was too powerful to keep to myself. I guess I consider myself a really good person who likes to help others.
And when I developed this software, I just knew I had something special on my hands. I knew it would help fellow weight lifters get a lot more results in less time.
I couldn't just sit by and let other lifters keep going about it the wrong way.
And I'd love to help you gain muscle mass and strength as well.
P.P.S. Please be sure to check out the testimonials above. They're from everyday regular people, like you and me, achieving amazing results by using this software.
And remember, there's absolutely no risk for trying it out. If it's not for you, you can get your money back quickly and easily. So don't you owe it to yourself to at least try it?
So why work your butt off for little or no results in the gym. Save the time and aggravation by using this proven software.
Don't delay, order now while it's fresh on your mind.
P.P.P.S. This really is like having your very own personal trainer right there, guiding you through every workout, keeping you on-track and eliminating all guesswork.
In just a few short weeks, you'll be amazed at your results... and you'll wish you had discovered this software a long time ago!
So please, take action now, and make today the day you start getting the results you truly want.